Kenya | Specialty Coffee | Filter Roast
Kenya | Specialty Coffee | Filter Roast
Kenya | Specialty Coffee | Filter Roast

Kenya | Specialty Coffee | Filter Roast

Sale price € 13,90
€ 39,71 /kg

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cherry tomato, blackberry, plum

In stock - Delivery in 1-2 days with DHL Go Green
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Virunga, Kivu Region, Democratic Republic of Congo

More than 1000 happy customers

Made for:Specialty Coffee Lover

Rise of the Kapkiyai Queens: A Cup of Change from the Nandi Hills

In the heart of Kenya, nestled in the picturesque Nandi Hills, also known as the "Home of Champions" because they have produced sporting legends such as Eliud Kipchoge and Pamela Jelimo, you will find the Kapkiyai Multipurpose Cooperative. Started in 2000 with just 12 pioneers, it has since grown to a proud 610 members. But behind these numbers lies a story of change, empowerment and, above all, inclusion.

You see, just a decade ago, Kapkiyai looked very different. Of the 38 members, not a single one was a woman. Although these women toiled day in and day out, from picking ripe coffee cherries to transporting those cherries to the cooperative, they were relegated to the sidelines, far from the decision-making tables and the rewards of their hard work.

But in 2010, a new wind began to blow when the Coffee Initiative got its foot in the door and emphasized the importance of women in the coffee industry. Under the forward-thinking leadership of CEO David Saina, the untapped potential of these women became clear. They were not just coffee pickers; they were the backbone of the coffee process.

Then came a decisive moment - an extraordinary general meeting that would rewrite the history of Kapkiyai. This moment marked the beginning of a new era, of recognition. Many men came forward and gave their wives parts of their coffee trees, a sign of their trust.

Today, out of 398 members, 106 are women, who contribute a significant portion of the cooperative's coffee production. But their efforts did not stop there. These women played a crucial role in the purchase of the cooperative's new eco-pulping machine, a state-of-the-art machine that can process an incredible 1,500 kilograms of coffee cherries per hour. As board chair Saina says, "Without the women, we would not have this machine."

The revolution didn't stop there. Women began to rise through the ranks, with figures like Dorcas Jeptanui not only leading the women in the coffee group but also being part of the decision-making body. The results spoke for themselves. By 2018, the ladies launched the region's first Fairtrade certified coffee produced only by women. The quality of the coffee took an incredible leap, with premium varieties increasing from 25% to over 70%.

From the beautiful area of ​​Nandi County, the women of Kapkiyai, once marginalized, have brewed a story of change, quality and empowerment. Every sip of Kapkiyai coffee is not only a taste of the rich Kenyan soil, but also a testament to what inclusion and faith can achieve.

We visited Kenya for the first time in May 2023.

With African Coffee Roasters we rock the coffee world

Coffee Annan isn't just about great coffee - it's about a revolution. That's why we're proud to partner with African Coffee Roasters. As the first African coffee roaster to be FSSC22000 certified, ACR is bringing a huge boost to the traditional coffee scene. A true coffee champion, right in the heart of a coffee country.

Together we are breaking the rules of the usual coffee trade. Together with ACR we are showing that you can survive in the European market and at the same time give coffee growers and farmers more of the pie. So every sip is a statement for fair trade and real structural change.

  1. Preparation: Remove the lid of the Clara.
  2. Pour in coffee: Fill with coarsely ground coffee up to the mark (60 grams).
  3. Add water: Pour water between 90°C and 96°C up to the water line (840 grams).
  4. Stir: Use the stirrer and stir for 30 seconds to ensure that all lumps are broken up and the coffee is extracted evenly.
  5. Set filter: Place the upgraded mesh filter just above the water level and replace the lid, pressing down lightly to ensure the blooming coffee is completely covered.
  6. waiting time: Let the coffee brew for four minutes.
  7. Plunging: Now it's time to press down the stamp.
  8. Enjoy: Pour the coffee directly into your favorite mug. If you don't want to drink it all at once, Clara's double-walled vacuum insulation will keep your coffee warm.

Tip for the coffee-water ratio: Depending on the roast level of your coffee, we recommend different ratios – for light roasts 1:12, medium roasts 1:14 and dark roasts 1:16.

In your coffee you will discover notes of plum, cherry tomato and blackberry, which guarantee a unique taste experience.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Lennart M. (Augsburg, DE)
Der erste Eindruck zählt nicht

Geruch: Hagebutte, Vanille
Geschmacksatomen: Johannisbeermarmelade (klassisch Kenia), sehr klare Aromen

Der Kaffee ist tatsächlich sehr gut, er muss nur eine gewisse Zeit (bei mir eine Woche) ausgasen.

Das ist hoch interessant, da der Kaffee eigentlich nicht frisch sein kann, da er aus Afrika kommt (MHD Datum sagt 3Monate alt). Kaffee Annan verwendete aber ein spezielles Verpackungsverfahren, bei dem der Kaffee frisch bleibt. Welche Faktoren auch immer das Verfahren bestimmen, der Kaffee kommt quasi Röstfrisch an.

Daher finde ich den Preis sehr angemessen, insbesondere, da das Verfahren des Frischhaltens, sowie das Konzept der Röstung in Kenia selbst und den Kosten für die Verschiffung und Logistik relativ zur klassischen Variante teuer sind. Auch sind es hier 350g (habe nachgewogen, es ist tatsächlich bissl mehr drin) statt den klassischen 250g für Specialty Kaffee. Und der Rohrbohnen Preis ist ja seit 2023/24 durch unregelmäßige Ernten (Klimawandel) gestiegen. Alles in allem ein sehr Faires und gut durchdachtes Projekt. Röstdatum auf der Website wäre natürlich noch praktisch.

Warum schreibe ich das alles so ausführlich? Naja...

Initial hatte ich hatte den Kaffee bestellt, und hatte gemäß des MHD Datums berechnet, dass der Kaffee 3Monate alt ist, dies wurde bestätigt.

Interessant war, dass auch die Aromen in dieser Zeit (Johannisbeere, Kakaobohne, Pappe) zu diesem Eindruck passten.

Dies änderte sich aber nachdem ich Packung geöffnet hatte innerhalb einer Woche stark.

Test mit V60, 14g auf 220ml Wasser (aufbereitet).

Rosi B. (Mainz, DE)
Sehr leckerer Kaffee

Der Kaffee schmeckt super lecker.


"Leckerer Kaffee mit fruchtiger Note. Definitiv eine Empfehlung für Liebhaber von ausgewogenem und aromatischem Kaffee!"