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Coffee for the Office: Good Coffee for a Good Mood

Can you imagine an office without coffee? That's right – neither can we. But finding the right coffee for the office isn't that easy. After all, every team member has his or her own unique taste: some swear by slightly bitter, earthy coffee, while others prefer a milder variety of the tasty brew.

One thing has been proven: Coffee keeps the office community together and, ideally, makes for a more pleasant working atmosphere. However, the method of financing the daily caffeine kick seems to vary from office to office.

While in some cases, everyone pays into a communal kitty, more and more employers are taking care of the coffee supply themselves, ensuring, that there are no dreaded caffeine emergencies in the office.  One easy way to do this is by taking out the appropriate subscription from an office coffee supplier.

We aim to explain why a good cup plays such an important role in the office and how you can find the perfect office coffee.

Why Excellent Coffee for the Office Is So Essential

It's a well-known fact that drinking coffee in the office can help reduce fatigue, stress, and inattention. A freshly brewed cup in the morning or after lunch gives employees the energy they need to manage their tasks in high spirits. The aroma of fresh beans awakens the senses and helps everyone in the office community focus better on their work.

So, coffee for the office causes employees to work more thoroughly and make decisions faster, which enhances the productivity and effectiveness of the whole team. A short coffee break during work also gives employees a much-needed respite, and ensures better work results after this small downtime.

And of course, good office coffee also creates many opportunities for team working and social interaction among colleagues. Whether it's communal break time gossip or sharing ideas regarding work, all of these conversations represent an important part of work life and go a long way toward boosting morale.

Consequently, good coffee at work is also an essential part of the success of any modern business. With the right machine and the best beans, any office will become a stimulating work environment, and all employees will enjoy coming to work.

The Best Coffee Machines for the Office

Whether you have a small office or a large one, there is always a coffee machine that fits the individual needs of the business. However, a professional coffee maker will make quality coffee more easily than a traditional drip coffee maker.

Some of the best machines for office use are fully automatic. These machines are capable of preparing different types of coffee and always provide a full-bodied taste.

And, most importantly, they are effortless to use and usually require very little maintenance. Another real benefit is the fact that everyone can adjust the machine settings according to their personal taste.

Spoiled For Choice

Another option when it comes to coffee for the office are pod machines, which use pre-portioned coffee pods. The advantage here is that operation is really quick and extremely easy. The big disadvantage, however, is the environmental aspect, as the pods create a lot of waste and are typically not compostable.

Another popular model for the office is the French Press. This machine produces a strong, more robust flavor and is especially good for people who prefer coffee that tastes stronger and more intense than usual. You can also use a French Press machine to make a variety of espresso drinks.

Spoiling The Team with an Espresso Machine

Another exciting option: you simply buy an espresso machine right away! These types of machines make high-quality espresso and are also ideal for preparing delicacies like latte macchiato or cappuccino.

Although these machines are a bit pricier than other models, it's definitely worth it eventually, especially if your business receives many visitors! After all, who wants to create a bad impression by serving bad coffee?

So, it's important to weigh up which type of coffee maker is best for your particular office needs.  Either invest in a professional model or opt for one of the cheaper alternatives, but thanks to the variety of options available, there's a machine for every office!

Coffee for the Office: Which Coffee for Which Machine?

For those of us who aren't connoisseurs, choosing the right grounds for your machine can be a confusing endeavor. But don't worry – we can give you expert advice!

If you own an espresso machine, it's always best to use Arabica beans. These beans are perfect for espresso because they have a slightly bitter taste that is enhanced by the roasting process. However, if you prefer a milder taste, you can also use Robusta beans, but be aware these beans are slightly more costly than the Arabica beans.

If you have a filter machine, you can use both Arabica and Robusta beans. Depending on which flavor you prefer, you can either use freshly ground beans or pre-made filter bags. Arabica beans tend to be more expensive than Robusta beans, but they give your coffee an exceptional, full-bodied flavor.

Calculating Coffee Costs in the Office

Financing for the coffee experience should also be taken into consideration. After all, this doesn't come cheap!

As mentioned previously, many companies provide coffee to keep their employees happy and to increase team productivity. However, this very necessary expense is frequently not accounted for in the budget.

How Much Does a Cup of Coffee Cost?

A budget for the coffee at work is essential, if you want to ensure that your employees are well supplied with their favorite beverage at all times. By creating a budget, you can determine what type of beans or grounds to buy and how deeply you wish to dig into the company coffers to fund this.

Another benefit of an office coffee budget is the fact that it helps you control your spending. If you plan accordingly and stick to the budget, you'll know exactly where your money is going.

If you want to be extra precise with your calculations, you should calculate the price of a single cup. Fortunately, there are simple tools for this, like this cost-per-cup calculator.

An Option for Smaller Businesses – The Coffee Kitty

Admittedly, a fund into which each team member (but also the employer) pays a certain amount each month may sound a bit old-fashioned, but it can be useful for smaller companies to keep the cost to a minimum.

Another fair option is the following: Employees pay into a physical cash kitty for every cup consumed. The problem with this, however, is that not everyone always has the right change on them to pay properly – so this option is not as promising.

How to Find the Perfect Coffee Subscription?

A subscription ensures that you receive regular coffee supplies directly. This offers the benefit of making the employees feel valued, and the added advantage that subscriptions of this kind are often cheaper than constantly replenishing your stocks. And – of course – it’s a safeguard against a supply emergency.

The perfect subscription for the office community naturally depends on the preferences of the team; in smaller companies, a direct vote can actually be helpful to determine which roasts and varieties are preferred by the majority.

Many coffee subscriptions also make it possible to regularly try new varieties and have flexible delivery intervals. It really couldn’t be easier! Why not try Coffee Annan's trial subscription?

Contribute to a Better World with Your Office Coffee

Admittedly, coffee does not have such a clean slate in most cases. Unfair production conditions and a lack of sustainability can really spoil the enjoyment of your favorite hot beverage.

But the good news is that it doesn't have to be that way because at Coffee Annan we make sure that the people who grow and process the beans receive the pay they deserve.

Among other things, we have the roasting done directly in the country where the beans are grown – to ensure that much of the proceeds as possible remain in the country of origin! In this way, you can help support the economic stability of these countries with every cup you consume!

Naturally, we also attempt to offset the CO₂ emissions that occur during production and transport – a real win-win situation, also for the climate!

Our Insider Tips for the Ideal Coffee Culture in the Office

As we've already seen, coffee can connect people in all sorts of ways. But how can you make this bond even stronger? Quite simply: by making coffee culture in the office a real event!

How about establishing a caffeine club with regular tastings where employees can try new varieties or weekly gatherings with office barista competitions, for creating new specialty coffees? This is even more fun when everyone contributes cakes or pastries. Big companies might set up their own café with professional baristas. There really are no limits to your imagination here!

The Bottom Line

Coffee for the office is a liquid morale booster, as the aromatic brew has kept us awake and alert for centuries, and is also a real mood enhancer!  This wonderful drink envelops us with its warmth and fragrance, giving us a feeling of security and well-being in no time.

A delicious cup is the perfect accompaniment for a relaxing break from the office routine and contributes to harmony among employees; a kind of special team building tool! And those, who ensure that their coffee for the office guarantees fair production conditions and respects environmental aspects, are certainly entitled to indulge in an extra cup or two!

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