Wie viel Koffein am Tag ist gesund?

What Is a Healthy Daily Dose of Coffee or Caffeine?

Some of us would fall apart without our daily dose of coffee! Most of us are familiar with the feeling of being barely responsive in the morning before we've enjoyed the first cup of our favorite brew. So far, so relatable: but you can actually overdo it, and therefore the question arises: “How much is a healthy daily dose of coffee or caffeine?”

You have probably read conflicting information on this topic. Now it's time to clarify this once and for all! In this article, we'll look at the caffeine content of coffee and co. and effectively help you through this jungle.

What Is Caffeine Exactly?

Let's start at the beginning; because even though this little pick-me-up is enjoyed by so many, most people don't know very much about the substance that keeps the working world going. What is it exactly?

Pure caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in many plants, fruits, and beverages. It is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world and is often used to enhance physical and mental performance.

This substance works by enhancing the activity of the nervous system and increasing the blood flow. It can thus help fight fatigue, improve memory, and improve physical endurance. It's no wonder, that this energizing substance is also popular among athletes!

Of course, caffeine doesn't just mean coffee: after all, it's found in many foods and beverages, and we'll take a closer look at these later.

Health Benefits of Caffeine

You probably know people (or might be one of them yourself) who occasionally question their caffeine consumption and want to reduce it. One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to “drink less coffee” or even cut it out completely.

But is this really justified? The substance actually also has many health benefits that we want to share with you.

Caffeine can help to improve our mental performance. A recent study found that it increases neuronal activity in the nervous system and can thus reduce mental stress.

More specifically, this means that people who drink coffee are less prone to stress and better able to handle mental challenges. This is ideal for coping with strenuous tasks at work, right?

Always on Your Toes with Coffee and Co.

Another study has shown that people who regularly drink coffee react faster to new challenges than non-coffee drinkers. There is a direct correlation between this substance and the increase in responsiveness.

In addition, caffeine also supports memory and mnemonic performance, which becomes apparent about an hour after consumption. Furthermore, this stimulant enhances visual information processing and thus improves our ability to perceive and understand visual features.

Longer Lasting Health Due to Caffeine?

Although some people are quite rightly concerned about their excessive intake, there are numerous health benefits. This pick-me-up does not merely boost mental performance and preserve memory. Some studies also suggest that regular intake of the stimulant could provide protection against diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Moreover, it is believed that the versatile substance safeguards you against certain types of cancer and could reduce the risk of heart disease. In short, there are some healthy merits to drinking your daily dose of coffee – especially for your mental health – but only as long as you don’t overdo it!

Caffeine as a Slimming Agent – Does It Work?

Caffeine is a popular additive in many supplements and drinks that promise a slimming effect. But how does it work exactly? Can it actually help with weight loss? After all, it is a proven fact that it has a positive effect on the metabolism.

It accelerates fat burning and thus ensures faster weight loss. In addition, it suppresses the appetite and, consequently, the craving for unhealthy snacks between meals.

But beware: Caffeine alone is not enough to successfully lose weight, and can even have the opposite result, if it's consumed as coffee with milk and sugar. To stay slim and fit in the long term, it is more important to pay attention to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Caffeine can, however, be a good support for losing weight – provided it is enjoyed in moderation.

What Effect Does Caffeine Have on the Body?

Even though this may sound scary at first: this stimulant is officially a drug, albeit a perfectly legal one. This means that the substance has a significant effect on the organism.

Caffeine binds to specific receptors in our body and causes numerous physiological changes. It acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system, our respiration, blood pressure and our heartbeat, and increases the metabolic rate.

This in itself is harmless, but if consumed in excess, a high dosage can cause health problems. The nervous system gets stimulated and this can increase the heart rate and cause hypertension. Too much caffeine can also lead to sleeping disorders, nervousness, gastrointestinal issues and even cardiac arrhythmias.

Therefore, it is essential to keep a close eye on your typical daily consumption Those who suffer from depression or anxiety disorders, for example, should be especially careful; after all, the stimulant can temporarily lead to an increase in cortisol levels.

How Long Does the Effect of Caffeine Last?

How long does caffeine take effect in the organism? There is no hard-and-fast answer, as the duration of the substance's effect depends on a variety of factors, such as whether the person in question has already eaten.  Other factors like stress or lack of sleep can also influence the duration of the effect.

The substance is usually absorbed into the small intestine approximately 15 to 45 minutes after ingestion. It then enters the bloodstream and is quickly transported to all organs and bodily tissues.  How long the effect lasts varies from person to person, but the half-life is typically around 4 to 6 hours.

It is also important to note that high doses are broken down more slowly than lower amounts. The type of drink also plays a role, as coffee contains more caffeine than tea or soft drinks. Ultimately, it all depends on how great the intake is and what other factors are present.

It's also possible for some people to develop a certain tolerance to the stimulant; this means that they need more caffeine to achieve the same effect as before – which, of course, has an impact on the duration of this effect.

Irrespective of this, you should always exercise caution and ensure that you don't consume too much caffeine, to avoid any negative effects.

How Much Caffeine Does My Coffee Contain?

How much caffeine ends up in our bodies during the day is primarily related to how we consume it, as there can be major differences even from one type of coffee to the next.

For this very reason, it is important to have certain background knowledge to determine exactly how many mg of caffeine you actually consume per day. We would like to give you some essential information on this subject!

How Many Milligrams of Caffeine Are in a Cup of Coffee?

There is no universal answer to this question, as it depends on the particular coffee. The caffeine content varies depending on the type of coffee and its preparation. However, as a rule of thumb, the stronger the coffee is brewed, the more caffeine it contains. For example, a cup of espresso contains more than twice as much as a cup of filter coffee.

Similarly, the amount of caffeine in a 100 ml cup of coffee can depend greatly on the variety of the coffee grounds that are used. For example, a cup of Arabica coffee contains significantly less caffeine than a cup of Robusta coffee. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how much caffeine is contained in a cup of coffee.

However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has set a guideline It recommends that adults consume no more than 400 mg per day, which is equivalent to about 4 to 5 cups of filter coffee. So if you want to watch your daily intake of caffeine, we recommend that you drink no more than 4 to 5 cups per day – regardless of the particular variety and preparation method of your coffee!

How Much Caffeine Does an Espresso Have?

In short, 100 ml of coffee usually contains about 95 mg of caffeine. This is roughly equivalent to a teaspoon of ground coffee or a small espresso. However, this ratio is only a rough estimate, as the caffeine content depends on various factors. For example, dark coffee, like Espresso, contains more caffeine than light coffee.

The amount drunk also affects the concentration of caffeine in 100 ml of coffee. The more one drinks, the higher the average concentration in each glass or cup.

The Correct Daily Dosage of Caffeine

Hardly anyone wants to do without their daily caffeine kick. But how much is too much?

Exactly how much caffeine a day should one consume? The recommended maximum daily dose for adults is 400 mg. This is equivalent to about four to five cups of coffee. Most people can tolerate this amount without encountering health problems.

However, you should keep track of the amount of caffeine you consume each day. Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitations, and stomach upsets. If you notice these symptoms, you should reduce your consumption or stop it altogether.

Even though 400 mg of caffeine per day is considered safe, that doesn't mean there aren't side effects. Each person reacts differently to caffeine. Some people tolerate it well, while others are sensitive to it.

If you're considering whether to increase or decrease your consumption, it's best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist. There are particularly strict maximum guideline values in place for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Beware of Hidden Caffeine

As already mentioned, not only coffee contains caffeine. Many energy drinks, colas, mate and other beverages also contain the stimulant and should not be enjoyed in excess – especially not in addition to your daily dose of coffee!

But quite a few foods also contain hidden caffeine.  You may be surprised to learn that bananas contain about 0.5 mg of caffeine per 100 grams. Chocolate (especially dark chocolate) also contains far more caffeine than many people realize.

Checklist: How Much Caffeine Do You Really Consume per Day?

It's not always easy to know how much caffeine really enters our organism during the day. Therefore, it might be worthwhile to keep a log of your consumption of coffee and all other caffeinated beverages and foods for a while to get a detailed overview.  It is important not to exceed the recommended daily dose and to determine individually how your body reacts.

If you want to reduce your caffeine consumption, you can also try decaffeinated coffees or soft drinks and resort to milk chocolate or even white chocolate.

The Bottom Line

It's all in the dose! In addition to many health benefits, caffeine also offers some undesirable side effects when enjoyed in excess. The key here is to find your personal ideal dose and stick to the recommended maximum guidelines. At Coffee Annan, you don't only receive important information about the caffeine content of your daily dose of coffee, you can also enjoy it with a clear conscience. With every cup you drink, you help to ensure that coffee farmers are adequately compensated for their quality product.

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